Ethiopia Celebrates UN@70 in a Colorful Event

Ethiopia Celebrates UN@70 in a Colorful Event

The United Nations in Ethiopia celebrated the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations in a series of events on 24 October 2015 in the presence of Government and United Nations high level officials, 
the diplomatic community, civil servants, representatives of the public, students, and the United Nations staff and family. 

The celebrations in Ethiopia were themed along the global theme: Stronger UN. Better World. The events highlighted the UN’s contribution to human rights, peace and security, development, health, gender equality, and protecting the planet. 

The events highlighted the fact that Ethiopia, a founding member of the UN, was one of the 51 countries that signed the Charter of United Nations in 1945. Since then, Ethiopia has not only been a recipient of the UN’s support for peace and development, but has also been an active contributor to the UN’s mission through its defense forces, who have served in places like Korea, the Congo and Somalia as the UN Peace Keeping Mission. 

Ethiopia is also host to the third largest UN presence and office premises in the world, as acknowledged by Mr Ban Ki Moon in his recent visit to Addis Ababa.

The celebrations comprised a flag-raising ceremony in the UN premises; a public event at the Addis Ababa Stadium that included musicals; students’ performance highlighting the UN’s contributions, challenges and the way forward in their understanding; a photo exhibition; and UN and government addresses. The day’s events came to conclusion in a symphony orchestra, where a song dedicated to the UN was performed for the first time. 

As co-Chair of the United Nations Communication Group, WHO Ethiopia played a key role in organizing the celebratory events by co-chairing the UN@70 organizing committee alongside the Federation of United Nations Staff Unions. The WHO Ethiopia Communications, Advocacy and Media Officer also served as Master of Ceremony of the event at the Addis Ababa Stadium that took the UN to the public.

For more information, contact:

Loza Mesfin Tesfaye
Communication Officer
WHO Ethiopia
tesfayel [at]

Photo: WHO Ethiopia/Kibnesh C.

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